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Breast Cancer Ribbon

Sunday, December 19, 2010

Dear stranger,

Thanks for smiling back. I am utterly clueless on why the hell I smiled at you a while ago but smiling back was one of the best things(if there’s any) that happened to me today. Before then, my Sunday was so messed and fucked up because of my mom. She’s a great nagger btw, and she’s really doing good as days pass by.

Today, she forced me to attend my cousin’s christening, yelled at me when I got home and scolded for things that I have no knowledge of.

Because of these, I decided to ran and visit the mall instead. I was alone but it’s okay. I need some time for myself. I need to think and calm down. And that’s the time when I saw you. You’re a bit cute but not that handsome. A so-so guy perhaps, and that smile that I gave out was not really intentional but maybe you’re a godsend-whatever so you smiled back.

With that, I found my way home.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

230 Days Of U

Day 15-21: We still talked but now, we venture to talk about other deeper things about us. There are days that we stop talking because you seemed busy and have no time to go online.

Day 22: You finally found the time to go online and visit your Tumblr. You sent me a message saying it’s been awhile since you read something from me.

Day 23: I got your phone number. We started texting.

Day 24-26: There’s a time that I said that I have no load so I can’t reply to your previous messages. You said it’s okay since you’re unlimited text thingo is near on its end. :”>

Day 27: We found out that we have a common close friend. Dhel.

Day 28(to be cont.)

230 Days Of U

There’s no us anymore, what’s left here are just you and me. I should have realized earlier that God has given me a great opportunity when I met you. Maybe He sent you to make me happy and make me feel love and special in a certain period of time, just that. We can’t be together longer than that span of time. You were destined to be with me to make me better and make me see things in a different way then leave afterwards.

But let me bring back ‘our’ days. Here’s a timeline from the beginning till the end. A form of reminisce, a form of saying how much I missed everything. 230 days of you, number and description of days are not exact, sorry. Memory gap you know. But this timeline will just describe what happened, what went wrong and when did the/your love start to fade.

Day 1: I followed you, your Tumblr page I mean. I cannot remember on how I ended up in your blog and start to backread on your posts. You were the topless boy on that time because of your DP. LOL. Goodtimes.

Day2: You sent me a T.A saying thank you because I followed you. You even called me ATE. Thanks huh!!! LOL.

Day3-8 You post a lot of things. Mostly reblogs actually.

Day9 I unfollowed you.

Day10 You messaged me again saying that “Inunfollow mo…blahblah” I just made up a reason that I was just “dashboardcleaning” and I will come back and follow you again.

Day11-12talked via TA. [Vague memories]

Day13 I followed you again. We talked, not only in TA but in Y!M.

Day14 We talked on YM. We played 20 questions. I asked you if you’re gay. When you said no, I asked you if you’re single.

Day15: (to be cont.)

If you happened to be a fan of Vampire Diaries.

I’m talking about the TV series, well better stick to it. For realz. Don’t dare to read the book series because the storyboard was plainly stupid! From Katherine’s decision to make Damon and Stefan vampires so all the three of them can live happily ever after till eternity, to Tyler’s being a werewolf(like seriously? WEREWOLF for the fucking time again?) to Elena being dead, then the appearance of Klaus, then Elena helped Meredith(Meredith’s not included in the TV series), Bonnie, Matt and the Salvatore’s to throw Klaus out of the world then the spirits(the solstice) decided to bring back Elena alive in Earth.

See? If Stephenie Meyer’s a bitch coz she stole LJ Smith’s idea of the story, WELL THANK GOD FOR HER LIFE at least she gave a more sensible plot. Hah!

Di ka naman ata totoo

Parang nawalan na ko ng gana magmahal. Hindi dahil nasawi at nasaktan na ko sa nakaraan kung di dahil parang hindi naman talaga totoo na merong pag-ibig. Kung meron man, bat ang dameng mga pulube sa kalsada? Bakit ang dameng holdaper? Bakit ang dameng rapist, mamamatay tao, mga korap sa gobyerno at mga taong walang ginawa kung di mang-api at manira ng ibang tao?

Kung totoo ang pag-ibig, bakit ang dameng nasasaktan. Ang dameng nangungulila. Ang dameng umiiyak.

Asan ang pag-ibig don?

Friday, November 26, 2010

I'll start from the last story

I went to my past friend’s house this morning(around 5AM) to drink. Past friends because I don’t consider them as my friends anymore. I’m in a phase where hi-hello-how are you-goodbye exists. We nailed down 3 muchos of Red Horse then lots of cigs and chips as pulutan.

One of them kept on pestering me about goddamn Facebook. He was so upset that I was not able to accept his friend request for almost 3months now. Truth be told, I don’t really want to accept him there. He’s a part of my past and I don’t one anyone from there ruin my present nor be part of my future. I shit you not when I say that my past is the ‘worst-est’ phase of my fucking life. Name it, I’ve been there, I’ve done that. So yeah.

Back to what I was saying about his friend request, I just answered him that I’m not as active in Facebook as before. And since he was a bit alcohol consumed na, he kept on asking me the same question again and again. Around 8am, after the Red Horse drinking, booze, jizz and a lazy morning sex, I went home. Just like that, as if nothing happened. As if I’ve never seen them.

Another morning waking up with someone else's bed. Uhhh~

Life goes on.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

I thought my mom will wash my lunchbox.

But unfortunately my hunch was wrong. I left my lunchbox in the sink last night hoping that my mom will wash it this morning. But when I went to the kitchen few minutes ago, I saw my baunan ‘unwashed’ (if that’s the right term for that, but I bet you know what I mean so what the hell).

Maybe I should stop depending to mah folks. :cry:

LOL. Drama.

Which brand of camera is better?

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I live for the nights I can't remember with the people I'll never forget. Y!M: iskantarium

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